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6 Vital Actions To Guarantee Success

6 vital actions to guarantee success

Sales Team Leader Success
Sales Team leadership is the ability to enlist, coach, direct and motivate competent, resilient sales people to achieve desired results.

All commercial leadership is stretching, but sales team leadership is the toughest of all. The rewards can be amazing but the road to success is strewn with hazards and diversions. The Sales Leader job comprises two basic elements, each with wide-ranging facets.

Developing and maintaining personal leadership skill, and keeping a competent sales team on track through highs and lows. Constant rejection is the common enemy.  

Success in sales takes resilience, know-how, discipline and refined communication skill. Most sales team leaders know how they do it, but don’t always know how to make it happen for their team. The result can be dire.

Alan Dawson is a sales leadership authority, with 20 years building and directing sales teams in high-value complex markets and coaching them to record success.

His ‘6 Vital Actions for Sales Team Leaders’ unlocks issues, tears down perceived barriers and liberates sales teams to grab every good opportunity to close.

A sales leader should first demonstrate self-accountability, before holding their team to account. Visible leadership accountability plus increased team obligation is a potent force for better sales revenue and profit.

Alan’s sales leadership process will cascade to boost sales team morale and performance. His vital actions mirror ‘conjoined goals’ for leaders and sales team alike:

– Produce ignition communications geared to lift the sales team with a revitalised belief system
– Launch a simple fast-response forecast system so everyone easily keeps the score and knows the score
– Learn when, and how to coach. How to balance team motivation and when to push!

Plus more great tips!

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