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Keep The Score, Know The Score

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When our dynamic sales teams come together, they bring an infectious energy and a camaraderie that’s truly heart-warming. In today’s world of virtual meetings, it’s a rare treat to have occasions like product launches, hands-on training sessions, or the annual kick-off meeting where we can all unite at our corporate headquarters.

These gatherings offer the perfect stage for nurturing relationships and strengthening our teamwork. Nothing beats the chance to meet our internal colleagues face-to-face, transcending the usual emails and phone conversations.

And while these events often feature socialisation, impromptu discussions on critical matters, and, of course, the structured programme. With plenary sessions, collaborative teamwork, impactful presentations, and inspiring guest speakers, there’s something more to consider. It’s not just about following the programme; it’s about being prepared for the unexpected.

You see, during these significant meetings, there’s a unique opportunity for our sales teams. It’s not just about connecting internally with fellow sales professionals, admin teams, technicians, or support staff. The board of directors, including non-executive members, esteemed C-suite executives, and even our valued shareholders, might grace us with their presence, taking a genuine interest in getting to know the faces behind the names.

This is where our external sales team members need to shine. They should be ready to engage with company leadership, fully aware of what to expect and how to respond to inquiries from the executive floor.

Identifying these high-level executives in a crowd can be a valuable skill, and that’s where research comes in. Ask your sales team leader for information about the executive team, including their correct name pronunciations. After all, not everyone wears a name badge in their own office building,

Anticipating the questions, you might be asked is also essential. Here are a few examples, although the list isn’t exhaustive:

  1. “Hello, have we met?”
  2. “What is your role within our company?”
  3. “How long have you been a part of our team?”
  4. “What do you find most fulfilling about your work?”
  5. “How’s business going?”
  6. “Are you meeting your targets?”
  7. “Which competitors pose the most significant challenges?”
  8. “What can we do to support your sales efforts?”

Honesty is your best ally when responding to these questions. Share evidence-based facts, including precise sales figures compared to your targets. Avoid vague terms like ‘about,’ ‘approximately,’ or ‘pretty much nearly there.’ Let me illustrate why this is crucial:

I once found myself in a corporate elevator in the USA with a group of UK salespeople. Among them was a rather exuberant representative known for embellishing his sales data, especially his sales forecasts. He tended to exaggerate and consistently underperform. When the elevator reached the executive floor, the company President entered, and the overconfident representative greeted him casually, “Morning, M…… I’m H……” The President calmly looked up and asked, “How is business?” The representative replied, “Fine.”

The President responded, “I didn’t ask for the weather forecast; I’ve seen your numbers!” He promptly exited the elevator at the next floor.

Throughout my various roles over the years, I’ve witnessed countless encounters like that one. While some responses have left an upbeat lasting impression, many have showcased a lack of preparedness on the part of the salesperson, missing out on opportunities to demonstrate their competence and knowledge.

So, here’s a valuable tip: before you’re asked a similar question, learn to be forthright, ensure your YTD numbers align with the company’s information and you constantly have the prior year comparatives to hand. If your numbers are down, before being asked, quickly follow-up with your realistic, detailed recovery plan, complete with timelines and final catchup date. Often-times another question will follow like, “You confident?” and so on…

As for the elevator champion, well, his fate remains a mystery. But you have the chance to script a different ending – one where you shine as a sales professional in control who not only keeps the score but knows the score.

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